Step 3: Spawn a new Stack
In this step you will use the dashboard to spawn a stack that includes a VM. You will also get better acquainted with the dashboard. For this step you need the SSH keypair created in Step 2.
To spawn a new stack, you need a template that starts a VM. We recommend using SingleServer.yaml from the GECio Github Repository.
Once you have acquired the template, log in to the dashboad with your new password (see Step 1).
Go to Orchestration → Stacks and click LAUNCH STACK.
In the following dialog window, for Template Source select File, and for Template File, use the downloaded SingleServer.yaml
file. Then click Next.
In the next dialog window, provide the following data:
- Stack Name: BeispielServer
- Creation Timeout: 60
- Password for User: Please use your own password
- availability_zone: ix1
- flavor_name: m1.micro
- key_name: BeispielKey
- machine_name: singleserver
- public_network_id: provider
After you have completed all fields, click Launch to spawn the stack.
The stack will spawn and looks like this.
You can verify if the stack has correctly started the instance.
Navigate to Compute -> Instances. The overview should look like this:
You have spawned the stack. Now we will show you how to delete it, including the VM.
It is also possible to delete the instance itself, but this may cause problems if you want to delete the stack afterwards.
To delete a stack, navigate to Orchestration → Stack, and click the down arrow symbol behind the Example Stack. Then choose Delete Stack.
You have created and deleted your first stack.